Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Just Another Day

So far today has been pretty dull, but it's the morning. Soon I'll start writing, doing some structural deisgn work (I know you're waiting to hear all about that...) and relaxing. So far there hasn't been anything too controversial to report on. I was browsing around www.kubrik.com (good site), and I noticed Mr. Grieder's book for sale. It's a little expensive for this currently unemployed civil engineer, but I was curious as to the extent in which the Home Office allows ministers to moonlight as authors. In the past, some ministers of WCG got in trouble for selling nonfiction work. However, as far as I'm concerned, if the book had a paperback in the ~$8-10 range I would consider purchasing it. If anyone has read Mr. Grider's book on America: Ruin or Renewal, I would like to see some report on it, to see if it's similar to the book my friend Dennis Fischer wrote called "It Came Without Warning," and which, by the way, is offered free of cost at www.blowthetrumpet.org and www.eternalcog.org. That book too deals with the issues of America's moral decline. Just plugging for my friends, after all. In case you don't already know, my play "Even After All These Years" is being published online at www.aviarpress.com for the much more reasonable price of $6.90. Cheers!


Richard said...

So please tell -- is your play fiction? Does that make it safe from the COG overseers?

Nathan said...

Yes, my play is fiction. Is it safe from CoG overseers? I don't know, it doesn't have any explicit content, though it has a few racy references, and some quotes from Song of Solomon. Is anything safe from the CoG overseers? It's a decent play, one of my better ones

Richard said...

If it's fiction, it's probably "COG-safe" (oh dear, to have to write that) for the most part. It depends on how racy your references are.

Victor Kubik's web site has endorsed a couple of novels by a woman in the midwest, so fiction seems fine if it's in moderation.

Do you know any insiders, who will review my book proposals? I have about seven of them....

Nathan said...

Hmmm...not all fiction is CoG safe. Trust me on that one...I don't know anyone who will review book proposals...but if I find some, I'll post it, probably...