Wednesday, April 27, 2005

If You Can't Take The Heat...

Over the last few days, I've been rather annoyed by the stupidity of people on forums. Of course, forums are loads of fun until strangers who don't know what they're talking about start bashing on you. It's a lot more enjoyable to talk about other people's problems than to have people eviscerate you for your own. Furthermore, it's vastly easier to do works of destruction than construction on such places. I know, I've done both. Of course, it remined me of a definition I thought of for a theological term. Legalist: noun, perjorative. Someone who believes in a part of the bible you disregard. I think we're all legalists in some ways. Where we are stronger, or where our knowledge is greater, or both, we tend to be stricter in our actions, and hence we judge people as lacking when they do not meet up with our standards. Of course, we are all weak in some areas too, and we tend to dislike it when other people are strict or nasty towards us and fail to apply mercy. It's a nasty sign of human nature rearing its ugly head again (although, to be fair, human nature is not entirely evil, just a mixture of good and evil that represents the sum potentiality of humankind for either good or ill unaided by God). Truly, God holds us responsible for every idle word we say. The internet just gives us opportunity to say more idle words than we could before. I don't imagine I'd get in half as much trouble if I had to write everything with pen and paper. Not that anyone could read my writing anyway, so they'd be unlikely to assume the worst, unless they were just bad people to begin with. Still, life would be a lot more boring without the internet. That's for sure. It's made everyone who can type and has a passable vocabulary an expert. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, I'm not entirely sure.

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