Friday, February 03, 2006

A Notice To My Readers

It has come to my attention that people have taken offense about some of my posts. Given the fact that there are vew few comments to my blog (and by comments, I mean very few people who send me their comments themselves, and not the comments that people make to others about what I write, which is more properly called gossip or slander), it is difficult for me to determine the precise nature of my audience. I only know my audience when they speak to me directly in some fashion. During the time I have written this blog I have had to deal with a few issues, and have generally been successful at doing so once I was able to explain myself and once those who were troubled or bothered by what I said were able to explain themselves.

I am a person of rather strong and public opinions, and there are times where the fierceness of my words can lead to a different perception than is intended. Despite the fact that I am a busy person, though, I am generally quick to respond to requests for explanation or clarification. I cannot answer your objections, though, if you do not come to me personally and privately about them. If you have comments to make (or even corrections, if you think I have made a mistake on a point of fact), there is a comment option at the bottom of the entry. All comments go to my personal e-mail inbox, and as long as you are not a spambot, and I'm sure most of those with objections would not be spambots (because most spambots always have nice things to say about entries and want you to help them advertise real estate, or Nigerian bank accounts, or something else that is equally bogus). And assuming you have something real to say, I will allow the comment, reply to it, and life goes on.

I would like to close this particular message by quoting what is on the top of my blog whenever it is read: "This blog, hopefully, will contain brief and humorous bits from my day-to-day life, with a minimum of philosophizing (though probably a lot of dry and ironic humor)." While I am a mostly serious person, this blog is intended to have at least a slight amount of humor about various matters. For example, 18 year old mayors, the blogging habits of pigeons (see previous entry), and so forth. What is stated here usually has at least some sort of an ironic bend to it (not always, however, funny).

I respect my (wide) audience well enough to open up about various subjects, even though I don't know all of the readers here personally (and some of those I know personally, I do not know very well). I enjoy giving my opinion (sometimes, perhaps a bit too much), and I enjoy hearing the thoughts and opinions of others. If you wish to express something about me, please give me the respect I give to you and discuss those thoughts and opinions directly to me. I don't bite, I promise.

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