Friday, February 03, 2006

What do pigeon bloggers rant about?

Yes, California is now having pigeon bloggers with cell phones on their back texting (automatically, we hope) the air quality in various cities. You know the world has gone to pot when pigeons have blogs. I mean, if a pigeon can have a blog, just about anyone can. I heard about the story first on my drive to work this morning. Thinking about the story further made me wonder what pigeon bloggers rant about.

I mean, I know what I like to rant about (and, apparently, everyone else does too--when I went on the UCG Young Adult Cruise this weekend a random minister I had never met, and some people I didn't know from here in Florida had read my blog, and commented on it). But what do pigeon bloggers rant about? Do they crow about the high quality of cars in a given interchange, discuss their favorite statues, give each other tips on which parks to visit where the bread crumbs are the tastiest? What sort of things make pigeons unhappy? Do they stress out over runins with glass windows, or complain about that one time they got hit by lightning, or talk about their friends and relatives long gone?

I am, of course, being somewhat facetious (that is, jocular, or mocking). Still, for those who wish to hear the opinions and judgments of a rather dirty bird, you can go to This site will (soon, we hope) have the bird blog uploaded. I can't wait to hear what those birds have to say. For those who want to hear what I have to say, you know where to find me, but of course, you already knew that.

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